“ The heart is the first feature of working minds. A healthy heart helps you for healthy thoughts ”
- GM Medicare -

Heart patients all over the world have now realized the advantages of heart treatment and heart surgeries in India. India offers dedicated facilities for Cardiology & Cardiac surgeries that are among the most advanced of its kind in the world. Indian Centre of Excellence (CoE)s offers state-of-the-art technologies and facilities in terms of heart care.

Indian cardiologists and surgeons are experts in their specialties with years of experience and international exposure. An international or domestic heart patient can get all kinds of heart specialties in India such as, clinical cardiology, adult interventional cardiology, cardiac electrophysiology, peadiac cardiology, cardiac & vascular surgery and cardiac rehabilitation therapy.

Heart check-up and diagnosis

Heart diseases are the number one cause of death in both men and women. As per world health organization (WHO) report, Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVDs) the largest cause of death and disabilities in Asia and Middle East by 2020. Urban populations all over the world are in high risk of heart diseases because of their life style.

Both men and women above age group of 40 years should undergo regular heart checkups to avoid serious heart problems. You can take a complete heart check up in India while you travel for a holiday or business trip, with cost of 10 times lesser than that in the U.S.

Heart Surgeries

Indian centers of excellence in heart treatment have proven their expertise in heart transplant surgeries, bypass surgeries and angioplasty in a higher success rate. With India witnessing huge number of Cardiac Disease patients, the experience of the Cardiac Surgeons has increased tremendously. This also has led to increase in the success rates of the Cardiac Surgery procedures. India offers most advanced technological environment for cardiac patients from all over the globe. Ranging from Robotic Heart Surgeries to Hybrid Operating Suites, everything is available in India and is at par with any of the Best Hospitals in the world.

India has no parallels in healthcare when it comes to cost effective treatments in comparison with other countries. Significant cost differences exist among US, UK and South Asian countries. The cost of a Cardiac Procedure in India is almost one fifth of the cost incurred in the US or elsewhere.

EECP –Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Treatment (Heart)

The only non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment approved by USFDA, External Counter Pulsative Treatment is widely used to bring relief to patients suffering from coronary artery disease, chest pain and poor heart function. In this treatment new pathways are developed around blocked arteries in the heart by expanding networks of tiny blood vessels which increase and normalize blood flow to the heart muscle. EECP Treatment is available in India along with other alternative treatments.

Non-surgical heart block management through alternative medicines.

Indian holistic and traditional alternative methods even offer removal of heart blocks without surgeries. It’s time to say goodbye to bypass and other invasive heart treatments. The alternative world brings holistic, tried and tested solutions that will heal not just your heart, but all of you. You can lead a normal life irrespective of your heart ailments.  As per Ayurveda, heart problems are essentially vata disorders. Ayurveda use instruments to break heart blockages such as – diet, herbal preparations, home remedies, and lifestyle changes.

Other alternative medicines like Naturopathy &Yunani have proven methods to manage heart blocks.

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  • أنا حاب أن أقول لكم تجربتي في الهند مع شركة جيتوي ملبار للسياحة والسفر وأحب أن أشكر أستاذ جهاد حسين على كل جهود الذي قام بها في الهند.وقسم العلاج الخاصة بها بالشركة أستاذ محمد رياض يعطيك العافية هي  صراحة ما أحتاج شيئ هناك , مميزات كثيرة في الشركة ماشاء الله تبارك الله يعني جهود شكرا عليها ويعطيكم العافية
