“ Reduction of those extra pounds, made easy ”
- GM Medicare -

We’ve all been guilty of making weight reduction new year resolutions that never attain fruition. Our fast lifestyle and this rut to improve our lifestyle, often takes it’s toll on our bodies and minds giving away to new age diseases like obesity, cholesterol, diabetes and more. These are not the coolest things to have around and when left unaddressed, opens you to a host of other life-threatening diseases. Fortunately for our generation today, we have ample treatments and methods to combat obesity, you can opt for surgical reduction of fat or opt for the alternative medicine approach.
The alternative medicine approach, more specifically being Ayurveda involves a change in one’s lifestyle, a new dietary plan, a couple of exercises and medication comprising of herbs and natural substances. Surgical treatment like any other under-the-scalpel procedure, requires good post care. Both these methods require expert medical supervision and excellent understanding of the patient’s physical and emotional state. At Gateway Malabar Medicare we we connect you to the experts in respective fields, medical practitioners internationally renowned for their expertise, so that you can heal better and faster.

Herbal treatment to reduce body weight

Whether you are young, old, parent or employee and you are concerned about your weight. The foods we are exposed today are rich in taste but have a poor appetising quality. It’s uncontrollably hard to devour that delicious taste of a chocolate ice cream or deep fried foods to succumb the late night food craving.

Overweight is one of the most common problems faced by every second person in this world but worrying about it makes a very little effort to reduce it but helps in obesity. The best way to reduce body weight is through natural sources which has no side effects at all.

GM Medicare joins hands with leading Obesity Management Clinics who are skill fully specialized as a wholesome herbal wellness clinic with hands on expertise in Herbal Treatments for Weight Loss, Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions and other weight management treatments. Sculpt your body to get toned and physically fit for leading a healthy life.

Surgical corrections and rehabilitation

Obesity is worldwide problem and a chronic disease due to excess fat storage and a genetic proneness with strong environmental contributions. The sedentary lifestyle and the food we consume in modern days are the main cause of obesity. Normally a person is considered obese when the BMI is greater than 25 this is because of the more caloric food we consume is not burnt by the daily exercise or workouts and the bad fat accumulations.

In many cases the mainstay treatments like lifestyle changes such as diet and food habits will not work together towards the desired results where surgery is required and such surgeries for weight loss is called bariatric surgeries. The bariatric surgery must be performed in a multidisciplinary setting because of the inherent complications from the surgeries.

GM Medicare with a keen knowledge in providing the right choice for such patients have incorporated strict adherence towards associating with India’s top notch hospitals fulfilling the pre requisition of the treatment. The surgical corrections and rehabilitation in India provides a promising treatment in achieving long term weight loss and maintenance for the morbidly obese.

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  • أنا حاب أن أقول لكم تجربتي في الهند مع شركة جيتوي ملبار للسياحة والسفر وأحب أن أشكر أستاذ جهاد حسين على كل جهود الذي قام بها في الهند.وقسم العلاج الخاصة بها بالشركة أستاذ محمد رياض يعطيك العافية هي  صراحة ما أحتاج شيئ هناك , مميزات كثيرة في الشركة ماشاء الله تبارك الله يعني جهود شكرا عليها ويعطيكم العافية
