“ The only therapy you’ll ever need ”
- GM Medicare -

The four letter word which took the world by storm. Yoga has been proven to be the most effective therapy for a variety of common diseases and ailments. More and more mainstream medical practices are adopting yoga therapeutics, as growing research shows its efficacy in aiding recovery, especially from stress-induced conditions, and improving overall health and vitality. Yoga is a narrative we can embrace. It says that we’re already flexible, aligned, and able; that we are innately strong, powerful, and openhearted. Powerful enough to harness our mental energy; rein in the doubt, stress, and anxiety; and transform our own story.

No matter what kind of an ailment you have, be it physical healing or mental healing, yoga is the way to go. And when yoga is the way to go, what better place, than the land of it’s origin. Yoga must have become universal but in India it is still practiced and taught in its authentic best at Gateway Malabar Medicare we have a range of packages designed for you. We tie-up with India’s finest yoga retreats and with these packages, we promise you’ll come as renewed as never before. And with our team work back end, you’ll even have all things from booking to transportation too, technically peace begins the moment you decide to take up yoga.

We are proud to work with

What clients say

  • أنا حاب أن أقول لكم تجربتي في الهند مع شركة جيتوي ملبار للسياحة والسفر وأحب أن أشكر أستاذ جهاد حسين على كل جهود الذي قام بها في الهند.وقسم العلاج الخاصة بها بالشركة أستاذ محمد رياض يعطيك العافية هي  صراحة ما أحتاج شيئ هناك , مميزات كثيرة في الشركة ماشاء الله تبارك الله يعني جهود شكرا عليها ويعطيكم العافية
